October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Learn how identity is contributing...

identity has always looked for opportunities to give back. We’ve considered how to do this since we started our business in 2018 and recently discovered an opportunity we’re very passionate about because of personal experiences. We hope to one-day start a non-profit to invest profits from our business into providing service & emotional support animals to BRCA and other cancer patients to help with the depression that can come with a cancer diagnosis & impacts the lives of millions annually. 

You see, my mom & my sister are both BRCA positive. My grandpa died from pancreatic cancer - men typically express the BRCA gene with a high risk of pancreatic cancer if it does not appear in the breast. These experiences have informed us greatly and we’ve learned a lot about our family history beyond the immediate impact of the last 5-10 years. My grandpa & I planned the business we have today on paper before his sudden death in 2017 - the same time my mom was struggling through the latter stages of preventative measures for the gene. My mom underwent a radical mastectomy upon a BRCA diagnosis & when they went in to remove her ovaries cancer was discovered. She was an outlier - she was one of about 3 people ever documented with her diagnosis. The treatment regime was unknown. I remember meeting with her oncologist with my siblings to determine if she should do chemo or not. I remember driving my mom to Denver at 4 AM during her breast reconstruction, stopping so she could vomit from the sepsis setting in. And then staying by her side all day to make sure she was okay. Fortunately, today she is healthy & cancer-free. My sister will soon undergo a radical mastectomy & ovary removal. This toll impacts the entire family - both humans & our beloved pets who are dependent on human care & can sense when we’re hurting. 

My sister is a Development Manager for the Susan G. Komen Foundation in Colorado, focusing a big part of her life towards helping support breast cancer initiatives & critical research.

identity Pet has already pledged $1,500 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation this year. We will also host a Doggie Hydration station for participants at the walk in Denver in October & we’re extremely excited to participate. 

Yet we knew we could make this bigger by involving more people. That is why we will increase our contribution based on the money raised by our business between now & October 2023. We will be adding a tip line at identitypet.com - any money added to orders at checkout will be 100% donated to the foundation with a matching contribution made by identity for contributions made by you. Don’t feel obligated but we wanted to provide the opportunity to contribute to a great cause.  

Please consider donating if you have the means. Every dollar generated will go towards valuable research to prevent breast & ovarian cancer in future generations. And we will keep you updated on our continual efforts in funding such critical research & prevention! Together we can make a difference, however big or small it is!

Warmest Regards,

Jeremy J. Petersen

Founder, President & CEO